segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009

Prague with Serhat

This was not a sad day, it became a sad day only at the final second of the unstoppable countdown. Other the that it was the best day I spent in Prague.
We had a little bit of everything... didn't we "piç"?
I pretended that I didn't know we were parting ways and you pretended that you didn't know that I was thinking about it. At the same time you pretended that you didn't know we were parting ways, and I pretended that I didn't know that you were thinking about it.
The people with us pretended that they didn't know, and we pretended to believe that they didn't know... but we knew. Everybody knew.

Hey! Let me see those hands pezevenk!

I can still hear the kid laughing after he fell in the water...

We look like shit in this one don't we? Well fuck it, we were feeling like shit right?
No more pretending here...

Now stop buying bloody soccer jersey's and save some money m'kay?
See you in Madeira "piç" :)

1 comentário:

  1. Olaa! Encontrei o teu blog ao procurar por erasmos em Pardubice. Eu estou a pensar ir para la tambem e tou a tentar perceber se o deva fazer ou nao.

    Queria saber se ha outra forma de te contactar (preferencialmente mail) para trocarmos umas ideias sobre a tua experiencia!

